Polkadog Cod Skins Shorties Review

Are you in search of a delicious and nutritious treat for your furry friend? Look no further than the “Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties – 12oz”. Made by Polkadog, these delectable treats are crafted from high-quality cod skins and come in a convenient 12oz size. With their mouth-watering flavor and chewy texture, your dog will be begging for more! Trust in the Polkadog brand and treat your beloved pet to the best with their irresistible Cod Skins Shorties.

Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz

Discover more about the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz.

Why Consider This Product?

If you’re looking for a nutritious and tasty treat for your furry friend, the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties – 12oz is a product you should definitely consider. These cod skins are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that support your dog’s overall health. Scientific research has shown that cod skins are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy skin and coat, reduce inflammation, and support heart health. With endorsements from veterinarians and positive customer testimonials, this product is highly recommended for all dog owners.

Features and Benefits

Sustainable Sourcing

The Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are sustainably sourced from fresh, wild-caught cod, ensuring the highest quality and freshness. This means that your dog is getting the best possible treat while also supporting sustainable fishing practices.

All-Natural Ingredients

These cod skins are made with only one ingredient – 100% natural cod. They are free from any artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers, making them a healthy and safe option for your dog. By choosing this product, you are providing your furry friend with a pure and natural treat.

Crunchy and Flavorful

The shorties are the perfect size for a quick snack or training reward. They offer a satisfying crunch that dogs love, which also helps to promote dental health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup. The natural cod flavor is irresistible, making these treats a favorite among dogs of all breeds and sizes.

Nutritious and Digestible

Not only are these cod skins tasty, but they are also rich in essential nutrients. The Omega-3 fatty acids found in cod skins support joint health, reduce inflammation, and improve brain function in dogs. The high protein content helps to support muscle development and maintenance. Additionally, these treats are easily digestible, making them suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz

Discover more about the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz.

Product Quality

Polkadog takes great pride in the quality of their products, and the Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are no exception. The cod used in these treats is carefully sourced and undergoes a thorough quality control process. Each batch is inspected and tested to ensure that it meets the highest standards of freshness, quality, and safety. With the Polkadog name behind this product, you can be confident that you are giving your dog a treat of exceptional quality.

What It’s Used For

Reward-Based Training

The Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are a fantastic tool for reward-based training. The small size and irresistible flavor make them an excellent incentive for teaching new commands and reinforcing good behavior. Your dog will be motivated to learn and will quickly associate these treats with positive experiences during training sessions.

Healthy Snack

In addition to training, these cod skins make a great healthy snack for your dog throughout the day. Whether you want to spoil your furry friend or simply give them something tasty to enjoy, these shorties are the perfect choice. Their small size makes them convenient for on-the-go snacking, and their high nutritional value ensures that your dog is getting a wholesome treat.

Dental Health Aid

Chewing on these cod skins can help promote dental health by naturally scraping away plaque and tartar buildup. The crunchy texture helps to remove debris from your dog’s teeth, reducing the risk of dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Regularly giving your dog these treats can contribute to their overall oral hygiene.

Allergy-Friendly Option

If your dog has food allergies or sensitivities, the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are an excellent option. With just one simple ingredient – cod – these treats are less likely to trigger allergic reactions compared to treats with multiple ingredients. They provide a safe and delicious snack for dogs with dietary restrictions.

Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz

Product Specifications

Size: 12oz
Ingredient: 100% Natural Cod
Packaging: Bulk
Treat Type: Shortie
Suitable For: Dogs of all breeds and sizes

Who Needs This

The Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are suitable for all dog owners who want to provide their furry friends with a nutritious, all-natural, and flavorful treat. Whether you have a puppy, an adult dog, or a senior canine companion, this product is suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds. If you are conscious about sustainable sourcing and want to support responsible fishing practices, this product is an ideal choice.

Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz

Pros and Cons


  • Sustainably sourced from fresh, wild-caught cod
  • 100% natural ingredient with no artificial additives
  • Crunchy texture helps promote dental health
  • High in Omega-3 fatty acids and protein
  • Suitable for dogs with food allergies or sensitivities


  • May be too small for larger dogs who prefer bigger treats
  • Strong fish odor that may not be appealing to some individuals


Q: How many calories are in each treat? A: Each Cod Skins Shortie has approximately 10 calories.

Q: Are these treats suitable for puppies? A: Yes, these treats are suitable for puppies. It is important to provide them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Q: Can I break these treats into smaller pieces? A: Absolutely! These shorties can be easily broken into smaller pieces for training or portion control.

Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz

What Customers Are Saying

Customers have been raving about the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties. They love that the treats are made with just one natural ingredient and appreciate the sustainably sourced aspect. Many have noticed improvements in their dogs’ skin and coat health after incorporating these treats into their diet. Customers also appreciate the small size and crunchiness, which make the treats ideal for training purposes. However, some individuals have mentioned that the strong fish odor may not be appealing to humans.

Overall Value

The Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties offer excellent value for dog owners. Not only are they a nutritious and tasty treat, but they also provide several health benefits and aid in training and dental care. The sustainable sourcing and high-quality ingredients further enhance the overall value of this product. If you want to provide your dog with a treat that ticks all the boxes – taste, nutrition, and quality – the Cod Skins Shorties are a fantastic choice.

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

  • Store the treats in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness.
  • Use the treats sparingly during training sessions to prevent overfeeding.
  • Break the treats into smaller pieces for portion control or to use as rewards during training.
  • Introduce the treats gradually to ensure that your dog tolerates them well, especially if they have dietary sensitivities.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties – 12oz is a nutritious, all-natural, and sustainably sourced treat for your furry friend. Made with only one ingredient – 100% natural cod – these shorties are a healthy and delicious option for dogs of all breeds and sizes. They offer numerous health benefits, including improved skin and coat health, joint support, and brain function enhancement. Their small size and crunchy texture make them perfect for both training and regular snacking.

Final Recommendation

If you’re looking for a high-quality and wholesome treat for your dog, the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties are the way to go. With their sustainable sourcing, all-natural ingredients, and nutritional value, these treats provide exceptional value for pet owners. Your dog will love the crunchy texture and irresistible flavor, while you can feel good about giving them a treat that supports their overall well-being. Give your furry friend the best with the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties!

Learn more about the Polkadog Bulk: Cod Skins Shorties - 12oz here.

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Lizz Page

Lizz Page

Hi, I'm Lizz Page, the writer behind Pettism. With a lifelong love for animals, I've dedicated myself to sharing my passion and wisdom in the world of pets. As the founder of this website, my aim is to create a vibrant community of pet lovers who can come together to exchange knowledge, experiences, and love for our furry companions. Through expert guides on pet care, training, and health, I hope to foster connections and celebrate the joy of pet companionship. Join me on this journey to explore the wonderful universe of pets and embrace the paws, people, and wisdom that they bring into our lives.

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