Arm & Hammer Dental Kit Review

Taking care of your puppy’s dental health is extremely important, as dental disease affects around 30 percent of dogs. However, pets are known for hiding their pain, so it’s crucial to regularly brush your dog’s teeth to reduce plaque and tartar buildup. With the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies, you’ll have everything you need to maintain your pup’s ideal dental health. This kit includes ginger vanilla flavored toothpaste specifically designed for puppies, a small dog toothbrush, and a soft finger toothbrush for easy cleaning. It’s important to note that human toothpaste should never be used on pets as they may contain toxic ingredients. Instead, give your furry friend what they need and want – a delicious flavored toothpaste infused with baking soda to clean and protect their teeth while freshening their breath. Make dental care an enjoyable experience for your puppy with the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit!

Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor

Get your own Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor today.

Why Consider This Product?

Taking care of your puppy’s dental health is essential for their overall well-being. Did you know that around 30 percent of dogs suffer from dental disease? Dental disease can cause your furry friend pain and discomfort, even though they are experts at hiding it. However, regular brushing of your dog’s teeth can significantly reduce plaque and tartar buildup, preventing dental issues. That’s why you should consider the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies. This kit has everything you need to ensure ideal dental health for your puppy.

Research has shown that proper dental care for pets can have long-lasting benefits. By brushing your dog’s teeth regularly, you can prevent dental disease and its associated problems. The Arm & Hammer puppy toothpaste included in this kit is infused with baking soda, a trusted ingredient in dental care. Baking soda helps to clean and protect your pup’s teeth while freshening their breath.

Certifications and endorsements are always reassuring when considering a product for your beloved pet. The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit is trusted and backed by veterinary professionals. Their expertise ensures that the product is safe and effective for your puppy’s dental health. Additionally, many customers have shared positive testimonials about the effectiveness of this kit in maintaining their puppy’s oral hygiene.

Features and Benefits

Complete Dental Kit

The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies contains everything you need for your puppy’s dental care. It includes ginger vanilla flavored puppy toothpaste, specially formulated for small dogs and puppies. The kit also includes a small breed-sized toothbrush and a soft finger toothbrush for puppies. These different brushes allow you to easily reach all areas of your puppy’s mouth and gums for thorough cleaning.

Baking Soda Infused Toothpaste

The tartar control toothpaste included in this kit leverages the power of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Baking soda is known for its ability to effectively clean and whiten teeth. It helps to remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of dental disease. The puppy toothpaste is infused with a delicious ginger vanilla flavor, making it more appealing for your furry friend.

Safe for Pets

It is crucial to never use human toothpaste on pets, as it may contain harmful ingredients like xylitol, which is toxic to animals. The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit ensures the safety of your puppy by providing a toothpaste specifically formulated for their needs. This puppy toothpaste is not only safe but also tasty, satisfying your pup’s palate while promoting good dental health.

Two Types of Toothbrushes

The dental training kit includes a small breed-sized toothbrush, perfectly designed for puppies. The bristles are gentle yet effective in cleaning your puppy’s teeth without causing any discomfort. Additionally, a soft finger toothbrush is included in the kit for easy cleaning of your puppy’s gums. This finger toothbrush slips over your finger effortlessly, allowing you to gently massage and clean your puppy’s delicate gums.

Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor

Find your new Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor on this page.

Product Quality

Arm & Hammer is a trusted brand known for its commitment to the highest quality products. The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies is no exception. It is specially formulated to meet the specific dental needs of puppies and small dogs. The ingredients used are safe and effective in promoting good dental hygiene. The kit is backed by veterinary professionals, providing you with the assurance of a quality product that is safe for your pup.

What It’s Used For

Promote Dental Health

This dental training kit is used to promote excellent dental health for your puppy. Regular brushing with the Arm & Hammer puppy toothpaste helps to remove plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of dental disease. By incorporating this kit into your puppy’s oral hygiene routine, you can ensure that their teeth and gums stay healthy and free from harmful bacteria.

Prevent Dental Disease

Regular brushing with the Arm & Hammer puppy toothpaste is an effective way to prevent dental disease in your puppy. Dental disease can lead to issues such as tooth loss, gum infections, and even systemic health problems. By brushing your puppy’s teeth daily, you can significantly reduce the risk of these problems, ensuring their overall well-being.

Freshen Breath

In addition to promoting dental health, the Arm & Hammer puppy toothpaste also helps to freshen your puppy’s breath. The ginger vanilla flavor leaves their mouth smelling pleasant, while the baking soda actively fights odor-causing bacteria. Say goodbye to puppy breath and enjoy cuddle time without worrying about unpleasant smells.

Establish Dental Routine

Using the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit helps to establish a dental care routine for your puppy. Starting early with proper dental hygiene sets the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. By making brushing your puppy’s teeth a regular part of their routine, you can ensure that they grow up with healthy teeth and gums.

Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Toothpaste Ginger vanilla flavor, baking soda infused
Toothbrush Small breed-sized toothbrush for puppies
Fingerbrush Soft finger toothbrush for puppies
Flavor Yummy vanilla ginger flavor

Who Needs This?

The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies is a must-have for any puppy owner. If you want to ensure that your furry friend grows up with excellent dental health, this kit is for you. It is specially designed for puppies and small dogs, targeting their specific dental needs. Whether you are a new puppy owner or have had pets for years, this kit provides all the necessary tools for proper dental care.

Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor

Pros and Cons


  • Complete dental kit with toothpaste and two types of toothbrushes
  • Baking soda infused toothpaste for effective tartar control
  • Promotes dental health and prevents dental disease
  • Safe and delicious ginger vanilla flavor for puppies
  • Trusted brand backed by veterinary professionals


  • Not suitable for large breed dogs
  • Some puppies may need more time to get used to the toothbrushing process


Q: Is the toothpaste safe for puppies? A: Yes, the toothpaste included in the kit is specifically formulated for puppies and small dogs. It is safe and delicious for your furry friend.

Q: How often should I brush my puppy’s teeth? A: It is recommended to brush your puppy’s teeth daily for optimal dental health. However, even a few times a week will make a significant difference in preventing dental disease.

Q: Can I use human toothpaste on my puppy? A: No, it is crucial never to use human toothpaste on pets. Human toothpastes may contain ingredients that are toxic to animals, such as xylitol. Always use toothpaste specifically formulated for your puppy’s needs.

Q: Is the finger toothbrush easy to use? A: Yes, the soft finger toothbrush included in the kit is easy to slip over your finger. It allows you to gently clean your puppy’s gums and introduce them to the toothbrushing process.

Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have tried the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies are delighted with the results. They rave about how easy it is to use, especially the finger toothbrush, which their puppies find comfortable. Many customers have noticed a significant improvement in their puppy’s dental health and breath after using this kit. They appreciate the delicious ginger vanilla flavor, making toothbrushing a pleasant experience for their furry friends.

Overall Value

The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies offers great value for puppy owners. With a complete dental kit, including toothpaste and two types of toothbrushes, this kit provides all the tools necessary for proper dental care. The baking soda infused toothpaste ensures effective tartar control and fresh breath. Backed by veterinary professionals, this kit is a reliable choice to ensure your puppy’s dental health.

Tips and Tricks for Best Results

To get the best results with the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies, here are some tips and tricks:

  • Start brushing your puppy’s teeth early to establish a routine.
  • Use positive reinforcement and rewards to make toothbrushing a positive experience for your puppy.
  • Be gentle and patient during the toothbrushing process, especially in the beginning.
  • Regularly replace the toothbrush when the bristles start to fray.
  • Incorporate toothbrushing into your daily routine to ensure consistency.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies is a complete dental care solution for your furry friend. With a delicious ginger vanilla flavored toothpaste, small breed-sized toothbrush, and soft finger toothbrush, this kit has everything you need for your puppy’s dental health. Infused with baking soda, the toothpaste effectively cleans and protects your pup’s teeth while freshening their breath.

Final Recommendation

If you want your puppy to have excellent dental health and prevent dental disease, the Arm & Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies is the ideal choice. Backed by scientific research, trusted by veterinary professionals, and loved by customers, this kit is a reliable investment in your puppy’s well-being. Start your puppy’s dental care routine early and enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums together.

Click to view the Arm  Hammer for Pets Tartar Control Dental Training Kit for Puppies | Dog Toothbrush, Toothpaste,  Fingerbrush, Total Kit for Ideal Puppy Dental Health | Yummy Vanilla Ginger Flavor.

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Lizz Page

Lizz Page

Hi, I'm Lizz Page, the writer behind Pettism. With a lifelong love for animals, I've dedicated myself to sharing my passion and wisdom in the world of pets. As the founder of this website, my aim is to create a vibrant community of pet lovers who can come together to exchange knowledge, experiences, and love for our furry companions. Through expert guides on pet care, training, and health, I hope to foster connections and celebrate the joy of pet companionship. Join me on this journey to explore the wonderful universe of pets and embrace the paws, people, and wisdom that they bring into our lives.

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